Tuesday, September 29, 2009

DAY 25 and DAY 26

DAY 25 – Thursday July 23, 2009
11:00 am I look creapy for getting a picture of the camper who looks like my cousin Bridget.

3:00 pm After camp we take a trip to Sligo to pick up some paper work? Whatever. I am just literally along for the ride.

6:00 pm Thought I was going to be able to stay at a coach’s flat in Cork, but it didn’t work out. Got a place in limerick for cheap. It’s cheap because it is a single bed. But it’s at least 100 euro cheaper than any other room.

6:30 pm Got a rental car for cheap. Yipee!!

7:00 pm Planned whole trip of when the Haggertys are here. We’ll let you just be surprised by the itinerary.

8:00 pm Went for jog. Saw the girl from the crazy euro “club” night. She was OBVIOUSLY trying not to see me, so I didn’t go out of my way to bump into her.

Day 26
3:00 pm Camp awards – There is now an annual Mr. Florida award that I of course give to the girl that looks like my cousin. What? Am I supposed to base it on basketball ability?

3:30 pm Called a kid a terd in front of another kid. They thought it was hilarious. Apparently that is not a common term of endearment over here.
My buddy Flo does this hilarious worm dance at every camp. He is a large man, so seeing him do the worm is pretty funny. Plus the camp made me do some Irish dancing. Needless to say that was comical.

5:00 pm Went for a jog and was denied by charity worker. He asked for money, heard my accent and said oh sorry, we need someone with an Irish bank account.

11:00 pm Finally heard some REAL traditional irish music. It was really, really good. Just five people sitting in a booth playing some unusual instruments and taking requests. I wanted to request my favorite, “Galway to Graceland, but withheld.

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