Wednesday, September 2, 2009

DAY 17 and 18

The day after the day
Feel awful. Lost day.
Did see a documentary on Lions. After hours of not killing buffaloes they finally kill a sickly calf. Then some hyenas come and scare off the lions and eat their dinner. King of the jungle my butt.

Day 18
9:30 am Finally made it to a mass over here. True to the rumors, the weekday mass is only 20 minutes. The priest gives no sermon and wastes no time. They say the Lord’s prayer in Irish. Also, In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is said in Irish and at present is the only thing I can say in Irish: An anima aher, agus un vic, agus un spirit naive. The kids enjoyed teaching me as I probably sounded like Sammy Sosa trying to deny he did steroids in English.

4:00 pm After camp I go over to the camp coordinators mini-mansion. After playing some pool I eat a small meal of chicken, peas, carrots and roasted potatoes. Roasted potatoes are amazing. More on this later.

6:00 pm Back at my hosts I eat the exact same meal of chicken, peas, carrots and roasted potatoes. Very ironic.

9:00 pm Having a few pints at the local pub, I almost start a fight when I jokingly say that one Mom’s roasted potatoes are better than the other Mom’s. Then a dad and I somehow got on politics and I was on my best behavior, since he was a good bit more left than your average American. I might even throw the word socialist around, but that might be a bit strong. Also, at this point I am wondering if Obama and the Congress has brought us totally to Socialism. Alrighty then, let’s go back to the light-hearted blog.

11:30 pm I could head into Galway, but with it being so late and a little gun shy still I decide to just go home and call it a night. The crew that goes out ends up being 30 minutes late the next day, so I feel pretty good about my decision.

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