Sunday, August 23, 2009

DAY 11

10:00 am Hilarious day of camp. One camper (much funnier if you read this with an Irish accent) “Are we winning?” I reply, “You are up 8-2.” He replies, “Are we winning?” I reply, “You are up 8-2.” His response is “Are we winning?” Before replying, “You are up 8-2,” and entering into a time warp, I realize that apparently “up” as leading is not in this ten year old’s vernacular.
I reprimand a young boy because he threw the ball at another kid as hard as he could. After telling him he has to sit out the drill, he says he is sorry and then whispers quietly, “Are you going to tell Dave?” Even funnier, the kid hit with the ball is out of breath and when we go over to check on him, (again, much funnier if you read this with an Irish accent) “I got hit in the peanuts.”

6:00 pm What a night. This was the Ireland I expected. People singing old Irish drinking tunes and nearly starting fights. The people here are really funny. Everyone is great at telling stories and almost all are pretty laid back (except for the mean drunks that are very prevalent)
Evening started with me and and Big Dave having a few (turned into 4) pints at a local bar. After a few hours of this we realized we had neglected dinner. So he ran out to get “take away.” Comes back with a tiny sliver of pizza. So starving and now cold I offer to go back to the apartment and get him some more cash, cigarette filters (most people here save money by rolling their own cigarettes) and myself a jacket. Stupidly thinking we were only going out for a few pints, I wore shorts and a polo. But by 9 pm it turned into a Florida winter night. It couldn't have been warmer than 60 F. And they honestly complain that it is too hot this time of year. Most pubs close at midnight which can be annoying but as Big Dave says, “keeps you out of trouble.” He is correct as those with us were dying to buy round after round of Guinness.

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